the place to tend your thoughts

If you are using Notion, you likely know what PKM (personal knowledge management) is. Notion does this well and makes it accessible. But what about public knowledge management? What about using Notion as a Digital Garden ?

Traditionally, creating your own Digital Garden has been hard. It generally required knowledge of code and web tech. Notion lowers this barrier to entry by allowing any page to be published to the web. But what if you want more? What if you want it to look elegant and allow for the reader to peruse as they see fit? This is exactly what the Digital Garden  is for.

How it works

The Digital Garden is comprised of four parts

A digital garden is a place on the web that does not have to comply to the endless scrolling confines of the modern web. It has a loose structure, allowing the reader to peruse as they see fit.

The heart of the system. Where all your notes and essays will live.

Notes are simply thoughts, small or large, fleeting or permanent. Drop them in randomly or after consuming .

Essays are deeper thoughts. Structured and formed into a story of sorts. You can reference notes in essays by linking to them.

Combining these two types of files, you can structure your garden in a myriad of ways.

The key to this garden is using a balance of page mentions and relations.

Page mentions: by pressing [[ then a page name or by copying the link of a page and pasting as a mention. When pages are mentioned in-line, on a page, it allows the reader to navigate as they see fit.